“Please help take care of them, they’re your children too!”
“What is mine is mine, what is yours is yours!”
This week topic will be Yours or Mine? In today’s society both husband and wife are working in order to make ends meet. And unfortunately sometimes we may get into an argument on who should be responsible for daily lives.
A Little God Time for Ladies
Topic : Talk 4 – Yours or Mine?
Date : 21st May 2020
Time : 2:30PM – 3:30PM (GMT +8)
Link : https://bit.ly/FMCGodTime
Speakers :-
* Rev. Candy Liong (Kuching)
* Dr. Winnie Chan (Sibu)
* Dr. Lee Khoon Siew (Kuching)
If you have any questions feel free to send them via
WhatsApp : +6011-6278-0328
Email : qna@fmc.org.my
and our speakers will answer them for you during our Question and Answer Session.
Rest assure your identity will be protected. Once we copied the questions, we will delete your message and no other information will be stored.
Dear ladies, it has been a wonderful journey with all of you. But sadly, this will be the last part of our 4 series A Little God Time for Ladies. Never the less we would like to thank all of you who have been joining us weekly wherever you may be. As this is not the end but only the beginning as we learn to make A Little God Time for all of us.
For future updates do follow us on:-
Our Website : https://www.fmc.org.my/
Facebook Page : https://www.facebook.com/kuchingfmc
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