Parents have a huge influence on the faith of their children. Research has shown that the majority of people in our churches became Christians before they were 20 years old. This just reinforces the importance of equipping parents to raise their children in the knowledge and love of Jesus, alongside our established church programs of Sunday School and youth ministries. Sunday School programs are great, but they work best in partnership with home discipleship.
How can parents (and grandparents) to do more at home? How can you be the spiritual leaders in your homes? Do you feel overwhelmed when reminded that you should be teaching your children the Bible at home? If you are single and have a niece or nephew at home, do you feel alienated and left out when this is mentioned? If you have answered yes to any of the above questions, we encourage you to sign up for the following online seminars, starting 28th November.
Those teaching and helping in Children’s ministry, Girls’ Brigade and Boys’ Brigade are also welcome to sign up for the online seminars. Together we are the family of God with a responsibility to encourage, teach and build up our youth and children.
Organised by Prepare Next Generation PLT based in Sabah, there is a fee of RM10 per seminar.
• Final Authority (28 Nov 2020) – why evangelise children?
• 1, 2, 3, Jesus Loves Me (12 Dec 2020) – helping children understand the message of salvation
• Guiding The Child To The Saviour (16 Jan 2021) – counselling the unsaved child for salvation
• Life Changing Evangelistic Bible Lessons (20 Feb 2021) – Bible lesson preparation and presentation
• From A Child’s Perspective (20 Mar 2021) – understanding children
• Basic Steps To Maturity (19 Dec 2020) – teaching new Christians
• Gourmet Food For The Soul (23 Jan 2021) – growing through God’s Word
• Enter His Gates With Thanksgiving (27 Feb 2021) – learning to pray
• A Living Sacrifice (27 Mar 2021) – consecration – my life set apart for God
• One Step At A Time (17 Apr 2021) – victory through Christ
Sign up using this link:
We are praying for parents and grandparents in our congregation. Do not feel discouraged when you fall short. You are already overwhelmed by the many demands on you to provide your kids with every opportunity, the best education, the nest nutrition, as well as working yourselves and spending time with family members. Should you forget, or fall behind, just start again.