Dear brothers and sisters in Christ
Very sadly the MCO has been extended to 14 April but we still have to do our part by staying at home. This past week, many of us have been able to spend time with our family members in doing things together, in reading God’s word, praying and worshipping together.

This Sunday, we will still be having live streaming by our President, Rev Tie King Tai. (7:30am English/ 9:30 am Mandarin/ 11am –BM)
29/3 Sermon : Peace In Panic Text : John 14:27; 16:33
We will also continue to fast and pray on that day.
This live streaming will continue in April.

However, we want to continue to connect with you and so this week, we will try to have an online “prayer meeting” using ZOOM. Tomorrow night for Chinese at 8pm. And for English, we will meet on Friday at 8pm.

At the same time, we thank you for your generous giving via e-banking directly to our FMC bank account (Public bank 3113318811)
To help our church office classify tithe/offering, please state the following in your online transaction reference:

  1. Service/Congregation: 8am/10:30am/5pm
  2. Purpose: Tithe*/Missions/Thanksgiving/Loose Offering.
    *For tithe, please specify the amount for FMC/SCAC

You can also set aside your offering every Sunday and make your offering the next time you come to church after the MCO is lifted.

Also, the Methodist Crisis Relief and Development NGO is calling for donations to help purchase medical supplies and other supplies for those in need. You can give directly or you can send through the church bank account. (pls see poster)

Finally, we continue to uphold each other in prayers; praying for our Government leaders, praying for the church leaders, praying for the medical team, praying for parents and families, praying for businessmen and workers and praying for yourself.
“Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” Hebrews 4:16

Love and Prayers
Pastor Lenita

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